Tap dance like you’ll never have seen before!
Angelo Borer and his Crazy Feet Company are booked around the world for their tap dance show.
The Crazy Feet Company has shows at a wide variety of occasions or events at home and abroad.

The internationally unique and high quality tap dance show

Our upcoming events in 2024

29th of November

Do you want to be a part of this occaxion, then secure your place under the phone number : 061 7311 42 87

1st Movie from Angelo Borer
Producer and main actor for the Action Thriller "No Time To Think"
in cinema: summer 2023
Official Trailer: No Time To Think
in cinema: summer 2023
Showreel acting 2021
Angelo Borer
Angelo Borer & Crazy Feet Company· Muehlemattstrasse 8 ·4104 Oberwil
Telefon: +41 79 434 50 50

Email: angelo-borer@crazy-feet-company.ch / impressum / Datenschutz